Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Just found this interesting, and pertinent to what we left and our alma in her present state. The final thought made my eyebrows raise and I think that may be the problem.... what do you guys think?


  • My dad and I were talking about this last week. He said that when he graduated from college, even if he had loans for every cent of his tuition and room and board, he could have paid it off in his first, or at the very latest second, year of work (as an accountant). Granted, he went to a state school, but college cost is ridiculous. At most schools, one year of tuition and room and board is equivalent to your first year salary. So it ends up taking ten years to pay off college debt for those who are forced to borrow. That sets back a couple years your first house purchase, starting a retirement fund, saving for your own kids' college, etc.

    By Blogger bradley, at 7:45 PM  

  • Hubka, great article. It doesn't make sense that tuition would increase at almost three times the rate. It seems that universities have almost taken an amusement park-esque turn towards competing with other schools to offer exclusive and attractive amenities, some more legitimate than others (gyms, libraries, climbing walls, hot tubs in dorm bathrooms) These need to be paid for and they are, through the increase rates. It's almost the opposite of Black Friday. On that day, everyone HAS to offer ridiculous deals or no one will step foot in their store while spending their wad in others. In this case, their increase their rates to offer 'candy' to kids only to leave them with a 25 year stomach ache. How do you stop it? Offer four walls, a bed, a desk, and a classroom for cheap and have no one come? On one hand more lower-income students aren't making through, on the other, more students in general, than ever I believe, are going to college. to think about, and post, since it's been almost two years, miss ya bro!

    By Blogger Josh Mann, at 12:05 AM  

  • Wait a minute, who is this Josh person???

    I'm going to pull a Steve and demand a "real blog" sometime soon!

    Miss ya.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 10:03 AM  

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