Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, December 10, 2006

A note from the administrator (that would be me. Strange, I know): A couple of years ago when I set up this blog I limited the ability of readers to comment to only members of this particular blog. At that time, many blogs were being targeted with Spam comments, and I wanted to prevent that on our site. From a combination of non-members requesting access to post comments and a noticeable decrease in the amount of Spam comments I've noticed on others' blogs, I've decided to open up the comment section to all registered blogger users.

I think that this will help us to see who all is out there reading as well as continue to drive the conversations that are sparked from the posts on this site. So, if you are reading this and are not a member of this blog, we want to hear from you! And if are reading this and are a 2004 graduate of Crown and are not a member of this blog, let me know! Way back when I had some trouble trying to invite the whole class to the blog and I believe that about half of the class was unintentionally left out.

I can hardly believe that in May we will have had this blog for three years already. I had no idea what to expect when we began it, but I think that the fact that it is still going speaks to the desire of those in our class to continue to hear and learn from each other long after graduation. Well done.

In other news, I defended my thesis a about a week and a half ago, and it was scary. Then I presented my thesis to the graduate faculty and graduate student body on Friday and it was scary. The final draft is due on Monday (yes, that would be tomorrow. Procrastination, anyone?) and then I graduate on Friday! Finally. More news later, I posted a couple of pictures from my essay presentation of my family (since I have no children of my own like you all (that wasn't a complaint, just an observation)) for no relevant reason, but only to make this blog slightly interesting. Oh and one more thing: I am having a graduation open house this Saturday (the 16th) from 3-7 at my house, and anyone is welcome to come. That's all. Really. I mean it this time. Oh, and one more thing....gotcha.


  • whoooo hoooo!!! I've been waiting for years to comment on this blog. THANKS LYNNEA!!!!!

    By Blogger krista, at 10:55 PM  

  • Your welcome, Krista. I knew there were people out there like you, just waiting to pounce. Others?

    Steve, stop cross-pollenating with my sister!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 10:41 AM  

  • Yes, thanks for the link. To answer your question, I'll let you read my Master's thesis when it is finished, which should have been a couple of hours ago...It's crunch time.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 12:14 PM  

  • Lynnea:

    1) I would also like to read your thesis, though I am sad it's not on the Beatrice's; I liked that idea.

    2) My blog still gets about 6 spam comments per new post, but I click "delete forever." You're in for a bit of extra work, but I think it's worth it, even if Krista is the only one who posts. :)

    By Blogger bradley, at 5:06 PM  

  • I know I am relieved. This way it Steve ever runs into another random Crown alum out in Oregon and forgets to get a last name, I can reply directly to him! Thanks Lynnea! :)

    This sounds sarcastic as I read it, but it really is not meant to be...

    By Blogger Sarah, at 6:37 PM  

  • I cannot believe that I misspelled "you're" in my comment above. Especially in a comment on a post about graduating with an English degree. I'm so ashamed.

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 10:55 AM  

  • It's ok. I put an apostrophe in "Beatrices," which has been bugging me since I submitted the comment.

    By Blogger bradley, at 12:58 PM  

  • I used an apostrophe once!

    By Blogger Our Family, at 9:15 AM  

  • Hi Guys :-) I've been reading this for months! Thanks for letting me in a little more. I love hearing how all of you are doing. Merry Christmas :-)

    Becca Mann

    By Blogger Bex, at 7:41 PM  

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