Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I've been trying to think of something to put on here for a while, and it just came to me, like inspiration, I guess. And then I realized I couldn't remember how to post on here any more. I haven't actually posted on here since August. That's ridiculous for me. Great for the general readership. I'm up to a nearly every day post on my blog, but I realized how good this is for general info blogging, and not for rambling, meandering nothingness that tends to sprinkle from my fingers into this keyboard and onto this screen. But I am not here for an update of any sort, except to say that I'm no longer in love with my boss - my ideal little work world was shattered in the course of a morning not a few weeks ago, and it cannot be returned to the perfection that was my first office job. No big deal. Just part of growing up, I guess. Being jaded, that is. And grumpy. Turns out I'll be great at both of those. I was actually going to say something... Oh yes.

For the sake of the Denver-area transplants who might actually end up reading this by accident, I thought I would remind them that I will be in Cheyenne from the 18th until Christmas Day (in fact, I fly out Christmas Day, so the routine see Hubka off to the airport after dinner thing probably won't jive with family plans). I don't know when I am going to make it down to say hello (I fly into Denver that Tuesday night, 8 or 9 p.m., I think, so I didn't think anybody would be up for saying hi that late, and I'm probably heading straight home anyway, but let me know about any ideas). Probably Wendesday, Thursday, or Friday. I'll be calling Wakefield to try and coordinate what's happening, but I thought somebody might see this and try to get the wheels turning that much sooner.

Or maybe you Minnesota people would remember how much you miss me, and in that fondest of sentiments you would make a trip out to the Rockies just to see old Hubka. Of course, if that was the case, you could always make a trip out to the Pacific and enjoy much better weather, but all this is based on an unlikely assumption.

On a side note, do you realize that in another four months, we will have spent more time away from college than we spent in it?

Maybe to open things up a bit... Lynnea, what have you been reading lately (or, if you're not Lynnea, substitute your name and give a good answer, even though it seems generic and useless, and I refuse to fall prey to my own plea)? I hope all is well, wherever you guys are now.


  • hey steve. i will be working the night you fly in-- however, another time during your stay it would be fun to catch up for a bit. let me know. i will be staying in denver through the christmas span.

    three books at present:
    wind in the willows
    enders game
    walking on water

    ((all good thus far))

    By Blogger jasmine, at 2:23 AM  

  • Hi Steve,

    I, unfortunately will be far from the Rockies at that time, but you try to have a good Christmas without me. :)

    I am less ambitious than Jasmine and am only reading one book right now: Swann's Way- Vol. 1 by Proust. It's good but each sentence is about a page long, and it starts to wear on me.

    What about you???

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 9:42 AM  

  • Jasmine, how long have you been in Denver? We'll have to figure something out. Getting people together is like organizing an army for war without funding or a clear sense of duty.

    Ms. Erickson, I will try with all my might to enjoy Christmas without you. Proust will keep you company. It sounds like tough reading.

    I have been reading like crazy lately, and I really don't know why. It started with Crime and Punishment, and then I was reading Charles Johnson (Sullivan told me to, and she knows what I like to read) followed by a biographical work on China called Iron and Silk (which made me want to talk to Molly) - I finally read Heart of Darkness (great ending... the rest was fine) and Sorrows of Young Werther and Diary of a Madman, both very short and worth the read. Then I got into a short story kick with Fitzgerald and O Henry. Now I'm almost a hundred pages into Kafka's The Castle, which is great. This is what happens when you don't go on anything but one friend date in four months. Oh, and I tried The Sound and the Fury and Jane Eyre, and put them both down very quickly. There, that's about all I've got on the bookshelf of my life. Otherwise I just blog like a raving lunatic. It's a great release, sometimes.
    Since I won't get to see you for Christmas, we should chat some time when you've got a minute. Just some old-fashioned catch up and all. Hear about the wedding plans, ect ect. Well, that was too long for a comment, so I'm going now.

    By Blogger Hubka, at 9:37 PM  

  • i am nearing two years of residing in this state. although, i have yet to get a DL from here. the wisconsin liscense has not expired. i fact i am going on year 7 of using that little beast.

    jolene lives close and we see each other quite a bit. lauren bang lives in the same community house that i am currently in.

    jolene has gotten together with the scholfield's and bachledor's previously. that's all. i know they are out and about out here.

    ok, good luck finding a new book to read. ((there are always so many on the list to get around to at some point)) and we can work on a collison of lives. i laughed about the similarities you pulled out. oh, wars.

    lynnea. hello! *perhaps you may want to consider the rockies? hmmm. ponder. merry christmas.

    By Blogger jasmine, at 12:58 AM  

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