Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, November 10, 2007

She's a Canadian now...
Or at least she's trying to be. I thought it was about time that I gave a little update on Krista's wedding, since I feel like it's been the main focus of the last 10 months. And, as usual, my method of giving an update is by posting as many pictures as I can without being too much of a blog-hog.

In brief, the wedding was beautiful, which everyone says about everyone's wedding, but perhaps I was a bit partial to this one...
The fact that this union also means that Krista and Tyler are relocating indefinitely to Canada gave an extra layer to the usual emotions experienced at a wedding, and there were plenty of tears shed by all (even the bride herself).

The only hindrance that threatened the goal of a smooth wedding day was that Krista decided at the last minute that she wanted the best man to cut his hair. And she wanted to do it herself. On the morning of her wedding. Our leisurely morning of coffee, Erik's homemade Swedish pancakes, and experimental hairstyles quickly turned into a hectic afternoon when we realized that Jimmy's last-minute haircut put us about 2 hours behind schedule.
This wake-up call jolted the 20 (or so) of us hanging around the house back into action, and we quickly got back on schedule. But I think that the extra stress was worth it. Check out Jimmy's "after" picture...

After the minor setback, everything was perfect. A few Canadian jokes cracked by the officiant (my dad) lightened the mood of the ceremony enough so that everyone stopped crying, Krista was breath-taking bride, Sarah Ebner was a stellar wedding coordinator, and the reception was so fun that Krista and Tyler were actually the last ones to leave.
Of course it made me excited for my own wedding, mostly because I won't have to do any of the planning she did for hers. Krista's words of wisdom: "Lynnea, whatever you do, don't have a traditional wedding." Got it. And now she's off in Canada, and we're all missing her terribly, but we're simultaneously thrilled that she and Tyler finally tied the knot after all these years. And I'm sure Canada won't keep her forever.


  • As I told the lovely bride herself just a few days ago, I see the pictures and feel sad I missed an incredible wedding. Glad to see some update, though. I might just have to give an update, but I'll let this one sit for a while so everyone can catch up.

    By Blogger Hubka, at 5:30 PM  

  • Thanks for the update. I'm actually kinda surprised Krista had a "traditional" wedding in the first place. So if you follow her advice and avoid "traditional" how far are you going to go? There is a wide range between skipping the unity candles and the Las Vegas minister with large dark sideburns.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:09 PM  

  • Yes, we were all surprised that she went the traditional route. I think that since they knew they were moving to Canada they wanted one last hurrah with all of their friends and family in once place.

    I think that Costa Rica will be pretty untraditional. No Elvis for us!

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 11:28 AM  

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