Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, June 07, 2004

Hello from the far side of Montana. I just got on for the first time and am getting aquainted with the form of this strange new medium, but nevertheless, I'll try to relay the simplist description of what's been occurring in my life over the last couple of weeks. Robbie and I found an apartment in Missoula, and for the last two and a half weeks we've been trying to get our applications accepted. Robbie is not here, though, thus complicating the process in a way that I could not have forseen. Not having a job makes the property management company leary of renting to an otherwise outstanding citizen such as myself, and since Robbie does not start his job until August, the rental company has taken the position that we cannot pay for rent, thus causing the last week and a half of my time spent here to be focused on proving that I have other liquid assets as well as a candid intention to find a job. If life is so complicated a journey as this, I hope that death finds me soon and I have no immediate loved ones critically mourning my departure. Sorry to sound so glum, but without a job or a place to even really unpack to any desirable degree, I have spent my time reading, and reading, and staring at the mountains, and driving to Quizno's (not only do that make great sandwiches and currently hold an application for employment with my name on it, but a terribly cute blonde works that who has smiled at me on more than one occasion), and doing little else. And just to throw out one more glib remark at the trappings of the modern world -cell phones are evil in that they make you want to use them and cost each soul a portion of their God-given freedom (and who knows how much money when you're over minutes). I'm sure to most of you, this is not a new realization, but my first week and a half of cell-phone slavery has taught me to hate the beasts even further than I had originally. Oh, I suppose I don't know how long these normally are, so I'll sign off now and update this glum picture of reality called "being grown up". By the way, had anybody else ever actually read the Biology text "Biology through the eyes of Faith"? Running low on books, I have started reading it and find it a bit intruiging, much more so than I would have originally thought. I hope to have more time to devote to this pursuit of friendship and community beyond our college years, but not any further today.
P.S. Instead of adding another blog, two in a row, I'm just going to update my drearyness by saying that today (June 8th) is my birthday, which must have something to do with the fact that Robbie and I finally have been accepted to the apartment we applied for a week and a half ago. It's all coming together. What a difference a day makes. Sorry again that this is so long. I'll do better next time.


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