Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, June 07, 2004

So frick. I'm not a regular checker of this blog. Lynnea reminded me of it, so now I'm here to talk to you about my important life. Let's see, what have I been doing....Well, unlike the majority of you, I just finished up at Crown on Friday with some summer school. Funny how the last two classes of my college career were with the Great Hustad. Thanks for telling me now that I should have taken more classes from him.

What else....Me and Jess just got back from a bike ride on a balmy Monday afternoon. For those of you not up in Minnesota the humidity has begun....It sucks. See, I can go for bikerides on Monday afternoons because I'm unemployed. My bike broke to join my pride and will.

I'm way boring....I'll see some of you this week. Talk to me then.

Life Voicers- Sorry I didn't come and listen to you guys sing. I was honestly gonna, but fell asleep. Love me anyways.

Kurbis- wanna know what I'm reading? Nothing, you turd burgler. Let's make some CD's this weekend. Call.

Remember haiku?
Our simple musings on life
Mine were way better.

If you guys have AIM I'm debussy100
If you guys have any decency stop reading this.



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