Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Wow, now things are rockin'. I wish the exciting new additions to the blogger somehow infiltrated my life in a way that would prevent tonight for occurring again. Well, it was more a social faux paux than anything else. My neighbors below me, one of whom I do know and have spoken to barely more than once, walked directly past me as I was waiting to go see a cheap movie tonight. Ironically enough, I was speaking to Robert Severson on my cell phone as they passed by, giving my claim a near legal infalibility. Carey (maybe she spells her name some other way -none of us care, right) and her blonde roommate sauntered past me with two young fellows, looked directly at me, and continued on their merry way. How is one supposed to feel in such a situation?
So who else celebrated IID (Iraqi Independence Day) yesterday? I was ready to get out in the streets and dance, but since my neighbors are already keen on ignoring me in public, I'd rather not give them more reason to ignore me in our shared residential abode.
Jessie, it's good to hear about your job. Just a quick question: Any tips on nabbin' the job, because I'm back on the beat and wanting to get snatched up as quickly as possible. I feel I have little to offer an employer. Should I let them know that right away, or let it sink in over the ensuing months of unpleasurable work? I really am glad that you have a job.
Jolene, don't worry about soaking your blogs in depth; you'll always come out deeper than me since I'm on here way too much saying way too little. And I'm not gay. I wish I could so emphatically say I'm not lonely, but check the amount of blogs I've tossed up and see if I'm living socially through this thing (and a good amount of phone calls). I can't buy the young ladies beer because I'm positive that they are not of age, and I shall not contribute willingly to their criminal delinquency. What about cookies, or a pie. That's sounding terribly gay again, isn't it? Look, I refuse to get them drunk, so can't I simply try to get them fat?
Kurbis, thanks for the sweet words and the sympathy. Life isn't as bad as I can make it sound on here, and I thought in a lot of ways I was pointing out the good, but I'll try harder to talk about watching the deer graze behind my apartment, or the calves in the valley play, or something of an upper. I bought kitchen knives. I guess that's good. Oh, and those stir fry pans are great for cooking eggs, as well. Just in case you were ever in the mood for eggs instead of teriyaki chicken. I think I perfected my jumbalaya receipe, so if you're wantin' some good cajun cookin', just say the word.
Question for all: Can one really be a hypochondriac and know it? I'm nearly being serious. Wouldn't a hypochondriac always be freaked out about being a hypochondriac? Talk about a Catch 22. I hope all is well where you are, and your neighbors don't willfully and publically ignore you. It's not so bad when they do, though.


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