Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, June 21, 2004

As the clouds streak past my window in yet another night of severe weather I have decided that I shall write in this blog. Though my life doesn't consist of much excitement as of late, I'll fill you all in, but first a message for Steve about the plant thing: I don't know if the plant is creepy or not, but I will tell you what one of my good friends and I at Iowa State would do when we would desire to see the cute girls that lived below us. We would incessently dribble a basketball until first they would call, to which we would play dumb. They would usually call again, and we would still play dumb. Finally we would hear a knock on the door. We quickly would hide the basketball and invite the girl/girls in for a beverage. Give it a shot, it might work (or it will really piss them off...)

We had an interesting Sunday...about 25 visitors which was very cool. We are still working through questions about what the church should be and how our community is going to work. It is all interesting and a little scary, but exciting nevertheless. Well I must go, thanks for the encouragement to blog from you all...I have been very frightened about taking part in this new medium, but I will soon conquer this fear and write books on this blogger like hubka...


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