Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Hey everybody,
Isn't life exciting? There is some much that changes post college. It is frightening and alluring at the same time. God has been some good to me and my wife. As I have already bloggidy blog blogged i am going to be getting a job at a church. The best part is that the church position comes with a sweet parsonage. I cannot wait to get out of our 1 bedroom faith village appartment and into a nice house.
i have also discovered the life of a father to be. It is harder then you would think. For starters picking out names is way tough. It is not so hard to find ones you like, but finding ones that have spousal agreement is the toughy!
A couple other insights into my exciting life. I am still in morning over the Timberwolves loss, I have not read a book since graduation(sad I know), I am found out you can call your wife fat during the first part of a pregnency and it is taken as a compliment. (I will get back to you if this begins to backfire), I have no idea what a "turd burgler" is on marty's entry, but I laughed outloud when I read it.
I am off! Have a great day and try to enjoy the excitement of life.


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