Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, August 06, 2004

Wow, you guys are so faithful in writing. I know that I haven't posted since the very beginning, but life has gotten away from me. Mainly it is because I have two brothers that like to be on the computer until 3:00 in the morning. That doesn't really work with my schedule. This summer has been such a challenging one for me. I have learned to trust God in more ways then I ever thought possible. I was finally able to find a job after months of looking. It is funny how things work out sometimes. I ended up taking a position at the Financial Planning firm that I have been working at for the last 2 1/2 years. The originally told me that they could not afford to hire me on full-time. But God worked things out and the created a brand new position for me. Praise Jesus-I was running low on funds! Luckily my parents have been very grateful to let me stay with them until I could figure out a living situation. I am finally going to move out into an apartment at the end of this month. I am going to live alone-which I am not sure how I feel, and reading about Steve's experiences, even a little more scared. But I think that it is something that I need in my life right now. I am definately feeling what Kyle said about relationships being a bit different in the "real world." It makes me realize how much I was blessed by all you Crownies. One huge God story...last year my church hired a new youth pastor and this summer he decided to do an evangalistic event with our Jr. High students. We put on a week long thing every night. They were split into 4 teams and got points for different things like games, spirit, and friends that they bring. They get the most points for friends, so that the team that brings the most gets a discount on their Valleyfair ticket at the end of the week. We were not expecting a huge turnout since it was the first year that we did this type of event. But God had other plans. We have an average of 40-50 students a week at youth group. During the week, we had over 110 students come to the event. We had more friends than our regular church kids show up. At the end of the week, at least 15 students we know about made a first time decision to follow Christ. Anyone who ever said that Jr.Highers can not be on fire for the Lord, needs to come and visit my youth group. These kids are amazing! I pray that everyone is doing well and adjusting to life outside of the "bubble."
God Bless!


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