Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Fell asleep on the water trampoline for two hours and am now severely burned. I feel as though I have been placed in a fruit dehydrator; every ounce of moisture has been sucked out of my body to the point that I even lost my voice. Such are the hazards of my occupation, I guess.
Two junior high girls capsized their canoe in the middle of the lake and began screaming so loudly it seemed as though they were drowning. They weren't because the wise waterfront director had made them wear lifejackets. It turns out they were simply being over-dramatic and took the opportunity to play the "damsel in distress" role. I'm glad I was never like that.
A boy stood up on the paddleboat while out on the lake (breaking a primary rule of the beach) and I yelled at him. Later I found out that his father is in prison (has been for five years), will be there for another nine years and his mother is dead. Would I have yelled at him had I known that? Does a rough "home life" excuse bad behavior? How is one supposed to put any weight on something as trivial as standing in a boat when his life had fallen apart years ago? Where is the balance between discipline and showing love to a boy to whom love is completely foreign?
"Kids keep asking me if they can go on 'that jumpy thing.' I hate that. It's a water trampoline, call it a water trampoline or you can't go on it." -Krista
And so concludes another week at the beach.


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