Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Hey posters...ha ha...that is really close to, but not quite, posers... he he....i'm a retard. old computer decided to fart out on me and so I had to get a beautiful new (new to me :) laptop! I'm very thankful, it was my graduation money...kind of an oxy-moron but eh, who's counting. But...I lost the link to this safe-haven and couldn't find my way back. But...then one day, thar she blows! I found it...and I'm back...blowing smoke with the rest of ya'll! has been just a tad out of control for me in the past months. I don't like that feeling...not healthy for me. My first two months out here in oregon were lonely, boring, and slow. The second two months have been a whirlwind, I'm leaving one thing a little late for the next, forgetting to eat, not getting my sleep. I'm a nimcompoop...i've got to grow up! My room's a hole, my desk is a life is a hole. Hey, I'm beginning sound like Hubka! he he...not funny? So yeah...I'm enjoying this season and flavor of life...I'm learning a lot and have plenty of things to learn and develop. What are the odds of that? I thought I was sweet!
My parentals came out and visited last week, that was really cool. They were way low-maintenance which was nice. They did their own thing while I worked and then we went to Chinatown in portland (p-town if you wanna be down wit' yo bad self) and then to the beach!
I get to go jump off of high places tomorrow (cliff-jumping for the lay person). That is very exciting, foolish, dastardly (no, it is not dastardly, but the amount of time since I've used a big word was like out of control, so tough luck that it doesn't fit. I just had to say it!) It'll be fun--if you call middle school girls jumping off of higher places that you would walk to, let alone jump from, fun!

Well...I'm enjoying reading about what God is doing with such a cool group of people. His hand has been on us from before we even met and we have received affirmation after affirmation that 'something is special about that class.' I must agree...and doggone it, this blog proves it! (Aside from the class of 1954, we are the only alumni blog Crown has!)

I got glasses life is complete! I'm trying to be like Lynnea and pull off multiple looks) I hope they make me look smart, gifted, buoyant, creative, wonderful, sympathetic, compassionate, capable, fit, friendly, humorous--but not like stupid, technologically adept, homosexually inept, spiritual--but not like pious, influential...and a few others. You might laugh, but as the old adage goes, if you aim at nothing you will always hit it! You gotta have goals in life. You'll have to tell me sometime if you ever see my glasses if I've accomplished my goal.
Thanks for your time, come again, I'll be here all week. Try the veal.



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