Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I have a dinner date with my downstairs neighbors this Thursday. Oh, is that what came out first? I'm glad those girls didn't own a paper plate, because it was on returning their cookie plate that I was thus invited to enjoy a dinner with them the day after tomorrow. The funny thing is they wanted to cook, even though they seem to have no pretense for such an endevour, and I offered to cook, and they instead had me bring a dessert. The blonde young lady was given the surname Amanda, and the other one besides Kari (I was informed about the spelling) is named something that starts with an M and ends with an "a" sound, I think it's Mariah, but it doesn't matter, I may actually get to see people now.
Yesterday I worked my first temp job, a general labor position in which I removed shingles from a front yard into a trailer and pick-up truck, then proceeded to the city dump ("what an interesting smell you found"- Duerk, you know what I mean) to get rid of them amid the hussle of city garabage trucks and other private suits. I worked with Mike, a middle-aged smoker that seemed uninterested in conversation, and some other guy that was a dead-ringer for Jack Black. I turned down another general labor job since I signed up for office temping, and especially since I get paid two-dollars an hour less doing the same sort of job I was doing with carpentry. The funny thing was that I got paid for four hours of work, seven dollars an hour, but I had already been to Quizno's that day (let's say an even five dollars, even though it was only four something), and then I had to go to Wal-Mart for bug spray (evidently my screens on my living room window don't screen out gnats, though the screens keep them in well enough), tennis balls (the University of Montana fitness center has a summer membership fee of $81, and I figure I can get a lot of tennis balls for that much money with about the same guarentee of fitness), and an ironing board (I do actually want to work in an office-type enviroment), paying nearly seventeen dollars, so during the day I spent twenty-two dollars and made twenty-eight minus taxes. It seems rather stupid to me, in general. I stay home, I don't spend money, I don't make money. I go out, and see what happens?
So I had the pleasure of seeing the SYG boys here this weekend. What a bunch. J.D. found a "nice little book store" that is actually the largest bookstore and movie place in town. I walked home from the Benson's (where Robbie, Julianne and Aaron were staying) about one in the morning, seeing two different thunderstorms flashing on opposite sides of the city, gleaming stars above me, and the cool air of a dry fifty-some degrees. On the way home, I started to wonder if I was going to be mauled by a bear, so I started jogging. That lasted about three blocks. I got home safely, in case you were wondering.
Marty, thanks for the words of encouragement. I do actually need stuff like that sometimes. It gets kinda quiet around here when you're not returning cookie plates or entertaining old roommates and their girlfriends and Aaron. Guitar it up. Hey, if they're looking for somebody with some banjo experience... I can commute.
Lynnea, was Dr. Ratledge wearing his beret, or his pink coat, or anything of the sort? I miss weird professors. Dr. Ratledge would be their king! Congradulate Tyler for me, though I may leave something of the sort as a message on Krista's phone. This way, one bird with two stones.
Gabe, though we never went, I had my experiences with Luke and Scott and Folksted hitting the Golden Tee. I once bruised my palm rather severely playing. Play well for me. There isn't a BW3's for five hundred miles, I'm sure.
Batch, you.... hey Miller was just here. We could have had a reunion, and brought too much stuff, and lived on top of each other again. That'd be just great. And then I'd leave you for another beautiful blond roomate. Say hi to that kid for me if you see Mr. Schofield. And I'd be a nanny if I wasn't scared of kids. They're either breakable, or breakingotherthingsable. It's not until you can vote that you stop destroying the world except politically and enviromentally. Would you hire me to watch your kid? I thought so. Oh, and Miller pulled that "God lives in (insert your messed up state here)" when he was here, so either God lives in two places at once, or one of you is lying. It's like you're saying God is everywhere. I will never get sick of waking up with Mountains to the west, and the east, and the north, and, oh, I'm in the mountains. Just seeing your name makes me want to hear you say "fricker!" or "Scotty McJohnsonpants". So maybe I miss you. My number's on the blogger somewhere a while ago. Give me a call if you want.
Josh, like seriously, when you have some minutes to kill, I don't have a job and I doubt my social life is taking off like I'd want it to, so just press those pretty little buttons on your cell phone and say hey. Just because you know everything that's happening in my life doesn't mean the converse is true. Or is that the inverse? I know, it's the multiverse. Traverse. Blank-verse. Yeah, that's dumb. Write yourself a note on your hand or something. If you don't call soon, I may be engaged next time we talk, and we both know that's about a million years away.
Brad, you been reading The Republic? I just finished it last week. I loved it. Didn't exactly agree about the producing or disposing of children, or his theory of art, and the final section on the afterlife was pretty hard to follow, but overall I found myself eating it up. Kinda sad reading this "Yes I have noticed that excessive emphasis on athletics produces an excessively uncivilized type, while a purely literary training leaves men indecently soft." Woops. This is great, and too true: "There are two things that can ruin and corrupt the rest of our workers...Wealth and poverty." Great stuff.
Question for all: Do the words Gazeebo night ring a bell? If you were there, say something, for I am trying to put together the list of people that were there. If Cinnamon ice cream sounds familiar, let me know, because I think I don't have a complete list. On that note, for all, what was your favorite memory of college? It's a toughy, but I think it's a good question to get some posts that may well entertain and connect us further (what a distance). Maybe not. Who knows? Hopefully I'll have something interesting to say on the other side of Thursday. Keep blogging.


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