Musings from Crown Alumni

Friday, July 30, 2004

well, its been a while and the first thing i have to say is that i dont know what is going on in Hubkas life because any post that is that long enters into the realm of "i will read that later but in all actuallity i will never get around to it."

colorado is good i guess. life is going. the church is doing better than ever. bethany got a job at s. ok, just kidding. she is working at barnes and noble in the coffee part and already doing her part of the great commission in meeting people right and left. i wish i was that good at meeting people.

there is a guy in this room speaking a foreign language really loud right now and it is scaring me.

Duerkop...come on now you really think i am going to let you get away with that last comment? I guess that Bill Bedford isnt a Christian then since the democratic party has no semblence of Christian representation or any christ like beleifs. hmmm....

Speaking of politics if anyone wants a fairly good and balanced perspective on Iraq issues (with both the left and the right and the middle and the other positions represented) check out the journal "The National Interest" it has a yellow cover. for the rest of you, igore this paragraph.

hmmm, i guess thats alli got. Bethany says hi. i say hi. i say bye.


  • Kurbis - you are perfect for politics with comments like that one. Way to take something little and blow it into a real issue. I'm impressed. I would defend my comments but that would be a major mistake on my part. Never defend, always attack!
    It can be difficult to measure just what the general spirit of the nation’s two major parties truly is, but I think that there is a very good reason for the following statistics: “voters who frequently attend religious services tilt 63-37 percent toward Bush, and those who never attend lean 62-38 percent toward Democrats” (Detroit Free Press). Obviously there are other issues involved and you could explain that same statistic by saying that those in the first category are simply more gullible. I’m also not about to say that the GOP is some great bastion of righteousness. However, can you really see yourself embracing the Democratic platform, abortion rights and all?

    By Blogger Duerkop, at 7:53 PM  

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