Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I'm back......
I know that my last post was talking about this great job that Kate would be getting and it would be bringing in the BIG BUCKS for us. Well... That time has come and she now has her big bucks job. That's right I am no longer the bread winner in the family. Kate's education was the best use of our money we could have ever dreamed of. Why you might ask? Well Kate is now the study hall teacher and detention supervisor of the Menahga Jr. and Sr. High. You can imagine the price tag that comes with that! Needless to say I have been out wasting useless money the last couple weeks. Please forgive me for my delay in Blogging. Money has a tendancy to do that to people.

Just kidding about the money thing, but she did get that job. She likes it OK because it is a great way to meet students.

On a more sad note. Some PUNK hit our dog with a 4-wheeler and we had to put her to sleep last Thursday. To make things worse the person did it on purpose and did not stop at all. They even proceeded to the neighbors and ran over their pet rabbit in their yard. Needless to say, I was PISSED at this waste of air! That was my first dog I had ever had! And to make things worse we had just recieved our bark shock collar and I didn't even get to use it! Dangit! Oh well life goes on. You can send money in to the Torii Folkestad memorial fund at PO Box 246 Menahga, MN 56464. Torii thanks you for remembering her!

Not a whole lot else is new here. I am preaching this Sunday so I will see how I can make the old people mad. Seems to be my best quality as a youth pastor. This is for you steve! I am going to be drinking a Mountain Dew the whole time I give the sermon! NICE!

Thats all from Menahga. Come and see us if you are in Minnesota or want to come "up north"



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