Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Miller, as always, so much less space, so much more insight; I am ashamed.
My eternal quote, that I will try to keep this short, applies here, but yet again, no guarantees. This is really meant to simply inform everyone that I took the advice of my former roommate and created my own blog to post pieces of my memoirs, as well as let everybody else reminisce to their heart's content. If you want to get on the thing yourself, just e-mail me, or write something on this blogger about it, and I'll be happy to invite people, but I figure most of you have gotten quite enough of me here, so I'll just leave the address of the posted blog so you can discover you want nothing to do with it while avoiding the commitment that is involved with this blog (or perceived commitment by some like yours truly). So here's the address (sorry Lynnea that it's a take-off of yours):
Question for all ( I realize that nobody ever answers these questions, but I can't seem to help myself): How do you avoid becoming more attracted to somebody you don't think it wise to date, even though he/she is a kindred spirit like you have not met to this point in your life and he/she may well offer you (not literally offer, but in their very existence) the connection and desirability that you have so often longed for? That's a bit convoluted, I know. What happens when you like the person you don't think you should like (for their sake, not yours)? Okay, enough questions. You can't/won't answer them anyway.
And to end this pessimistic blog, I recommend you read Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler, and then you'll think I'm at least not that bad (it's a really short play, and funny when people aren't dying or leaving their spouses or losing their life's work). Look at it this way, at least you're not reading three-hundred pages on the basis for democracy in France since 1870.


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