Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Gabe, you know me too well. Remember, we're not supposed to worry about those things, or Lynnea will tell us to chill out. I bet she's watching us right now. Well, I somewhat understand why nobody wanted to follow-up my random and youthful "word vomit" from a late night last weekend. I wish I was more mature and coherent this morning, but I'm sure the same man that wrote that blog last Saturday is the same one typing this morning. Hey, some good news. I found out I don't have to take the four-hour written final exam for my grad seminar class, and I know already I got a C+ in the class. That's great. I know Lynnea and Nathan Miller do not think so, but I'm pretty happy after being a bit distracted with other life options and still trying to finish strong. We'll see what happens in my other class. The final for that class is 40% of the grade, so that's where it all lies. So I guess I only have one final, and another fifty-some to grade, so next week will only be busy reading students mindlessly wander through the early middle ages, discussing the transition of power from the Merovingian dynasty to the Carolingians(now everybody knows where that name comes from in The Matrix Reloaded - Merovech wasthe father of Childeric, who was the father of Clovis). What history lessons do for everybody - it makes me want to teach history. Hmmm, there's a career path. Maybe I'll explore that.
The really cool University of Montana girl's soccer player who broke another's girl's nose is in the computer lab with me now. Is that crazy or what? Maybe she'll break my nose! Oh, and I know that there are some missing spaces in my typing back there, but I can't figure out how to fix the keyboard to make it so it doesn't erase what I've already written when I just want to put a space in somewhere. I know it's some setting somewhere, but I have no clue where it is, and I've gotta go soon here anyway. I'll be seeing a lot of you a week from tomorrow. That's exciting, eh? Somebody better take me out to get wasted - and get some Chipotle and Cold Stone. My oh my. So, I know I've asked this before, and some people did answer, but anybody else going to be there to hang at Bach's wedding? Gotta go, I'm getting kicked out of the computer lab. Thanks Gabe.


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