Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, February 17, 2005

So this whole blogger thing is really catching on. A blogger has been started for the people in block to be able to keep in touch with one another during their internships. Great idea, huh? Keeping in touch with people via a blogger…anyway. Even Krista broke down and started her own, and she has been disapproving of mine and Bryan’s for over two years now. Her problem is that ever since Bryan started his, he stopped communicating through e-mail as he used to. And I have to admit that there are several people in my life who have been forced to use my blog as their sole means of keeping updated on my life for the last two years. But really, it’s better than nothing, right? When I pour out my thoughts in type for friends and family to read on a daily basis, they are given a glimpse into my life in a much deeper way than if I were to call them each once a week and say, "Hey, here’s what happened this week…" I think I’ve got a point here. Although, when we started this Crown Alumni blog, Brad did e-mail me to remind me that it didn’t get me off the hook for continuing personal communication. Ooops. I’m still working on that.

On the upside, I really think I will be getting better at keeping in touch because I have made a decision to drop a class. I don’t know what I was thinking trying to take as many as I had registered for and working 20 hours a week. It was just not wise. I can admit defeat. So I am back down to normal full-time status instead of over-full-time status, and life is SO much better. So give me a call, I’ve got all the time in the world. Or even better, I’ll give you a call.


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