Musings from Crown Alumni

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

So, I think that it has probably been about 6 months since I have even signed on to this thing. It came up in a conversation with my brother, and thought that it was about time that I got back on. It sounds like everyone is doing well for the most part though. Update on me...I have been looking for a new job these past few months, and believe that I am going to accept an offer that my boss gave me on Sunday evening. There have been some changes in my company, and my position was being eliminated as a full-time job. My boss decided to create a different job, and is offering me double my current salary, double my vacation, and a retirement plan(which I currently don't have). Can I really turn that down? At first glance, no but, I feel like I should do the good Christian thing, and pray about it for a couple of days. I have been keeping real busy with youth group stuff at my church. Too bad they can't afford to hire me on, since everytime I walk through the doors, someone asks if I am being paid yet. I think that I work more hours than our paid intern for the jr. high. Oh well, I love the kids, and am not discouraged by the lack of money coming in for something that I love. I have also been spending a lot of time with my brothers. Seth is 15 and we are very tight. I seem to be afraid that one of these days, he going to wake up and want nothing to do with me. Hopefully he will never become too cool for his big sis. Josh is 19, and starting at Bethel in the fall. Josh and I have had no relationship for the most part the past 6 years or so. He has walked away from the Lord, and then come back in dramatic fashion. I have been praying for this miracle for so long. It has been 6 months of trying to start a friendship with him. It has been a long time since I have spent a considerble amount of time with a new Christian, and am reminded of blessed I am to have a personal relationship with our Lord. It has been so fun to be talking with him and listening to how he views things that God gives us, but I take for granted. Thank you Lord, for the reminders. Even though there have been many blessings, it has been hard also. There is always wondering if he is going to fall back into his old ways, or wondering if he is being truthful after years of lying about everything. I have also recently found out some stuff about what he has done, and it was really hard. It is all still sinking in, but hard knowing that my little brother could have been in a lot more trouble than he is now. In the end, I just keep reminding myself that God had him go through these experiences for a reason, and will use the good, bad, and the ugly of all of us for His glory. Hope everyone is doing well!


  • Great to hear from you!! It is so nice to get an update on your life, I am glad you are doing so well! Post again soon...

    By Blogger Lynnea, at 4:00 AM  

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