So I was riding with the fam after lunch today, and an interesting topic came up, quite by accident, mind you. My brother was in a church-sponsored golf tournament, and I made the casual suggestion that Jesus didn't seem like the golfing type, to me. If we're talking mainstream sports, I saw him as a soccer player, a midfielder for some reason. Maybe because I've seen soccer guys that look like Anglo-westernized Jesus more than football or baseball players. But I think it's a personality thing. Actually, I figure his sport would be ultimate frisbee. Not that I think because many of our comrades enjoyed that game it means the savior of the world should automatically be inclined towards it, as well. I didn't know if anybody had any other thoughts on the matter. I guess it'd be a little scary picking teams, because nobody would want to not be picked by Jesus. There's a theological quandry: Does Jesus pick you to play ultimate, or do you choose to play with him? I think some good Calvinists would have something important to say about all this predistined frisbee game. I'll keep this short. Later all.
Jesus would pick you, but only because he already knew you wanted to be on his team.
bradley, at 12:41 AM
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