Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Just like six months ago, a gourmet root beer, a cigar, and a quiet walk do wonders amidst the rigors of life at its worst. I think many things in life are like cigars: They're bound to get bitter and hot at the end, and you know they'll be finished at some point, but when you start, you really can't predict how long it will go. Life isn't all coffee, ya know, good to the last drop and all that. My eyes still sting from the smoke that blew into my face and my throat is still scratchy with a dingy taste, like a basement. Is that the point of the cigar? To tell us that good things end? Or that good things can end poorly? Amazingly, the temperature today is not that different from the last time I took this walk on the fourth of July. Maybe ten degrees difference. Snow on the ground this time, but wet all the same. I know, I'm rambling, not making much sense. The goofy blogger that you're used to on here has given way to a bit more serious, contemplative figure that can't put things together in a sensible fashion right now.
I do know how to get myself in trouble. I apologize for my impetuous reaction to Kurbis saying nobody will blog ever again, or whatever he said. Lynnea, you are a funny girl.
Maybe next time I will have the heart and the mind to relay the story of Robbie bringing a gaggle of sixth-graders into our apartment, wandering around like curious goslings dropping pizza sauce on the carpet wherever they would go and not noticing a bit what was happening around them. I don't remember what it was like to be a sixth grader. I barely remember what it was like to be a grad student. Wish me good luck in officially quitting my program tomorrow. Maybe a job will come my way around here, or maybe I'll find another former roommate youth/worship/co-pastor to live with until they find a special someone to wed. It's been fun thus far. Folkestad, do you have a room above your garage? Does Wakefield even read this? Wakefield, if you're out there, say something. Wait, we talked yesterday. Nevermind. I'm sure I'll have more to say sometime soon.


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