Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Karaoking with Jr. Highers! Oh yes the proud life of a youth pastor on New Year's Eve. I read Lynnea's blog on plans for New Year's eve and as good as the mountains sounds, I think I have you all beat. Some lame brained parent had the idea that we should plan a new years eve bash on new year's eve, so I thought sure, why not, I'm new and lots of kids will come because you know that recommended we have one, Well the party starts in 24 hours and I have 14 kids signed up and the families that requested we do this have decided to take a vacation together, crazy. I think we will chock this one up for experience.

I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday season, I agree with all the others it was wonderful to see everyone at the wedding, I think i can honestly say everyone. It's amazing how much people have grown on me and a lot of you have become apart of me and so seeing you guys and reconnecting is I think what has kept me going through a very busy holiday season. I continue to lift you guys up in prayer(s) and pray for God guidance in our lives and on our continued journeys!


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