Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Well, it's a few days after Christmas, and I haven't blogged in a long time, so I figured I should get on it. The only really funny thing I wanted to put down on this thing was the Christmas present that I got from my brother and sister-in-law (I realize you must know me to a certain extent to understand the true meaning of Christmas captured in the gift). I opened the box to see the face of my .... former soul-mate, Ms. Natalie Portman herself, staring back at me from the cover of The Oregonian (Parade?) smiling like the wonderful former fantasy that she is in my life. My sister-in-law found it rather humorous to include not only that piece of literature, but also a recent copy of Vogue which was graced by Natalie's daunting visage. I was laughing, which is the most regular emotional response I have come Christmas morning. But that isn't even the best part. Below these two periodicals was a shirt, white with red letters and black cuffs and collar with the illustrious slogan "VOTE FOR PEDRO" screaming from the front. I was nearly in tears just seeing it. It is, of course, from the movie Napoleon Dynamite, and is also my favorite Christmast present to date. Just thought I should share that I am presently in that shirt, and I got some great comments about it while walking the Cheyenne Mall today.
Kyle, I got Blue Like Jazz, and finished reading it on Sunday. What a great book. I've never laughed so hard and then felt worried that I was actually laughing at myself and the startling coincidence between that author and me. Incredible read. Oh, and my first margirita was great, but I learned to not drink a large mixed drink in a very short span of time just because it tastes good. Hmmm. I'm an idiot. Oh, next blog remind me to tell you about the Polish girl in Albertson's last week who thought I was Jewish. Great story. Yeah, I've gotta go. I'll blog more when I don't have a bar to get to, and people's internet girlfriends to meet. Don't wait up. Maybe I'll be so bored next time that I'll just list some Christmas presents. Tell me to shut up when I do that. Later.


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