Musings from Crown Alumni

Sunday, January 09, 2005

NaNoWriMo: Who’s heard of it? I just read about it for the first time today in the paper. It stands for National Novel Writing Month. Apparently every November thousands of people commit to participate in NaNoWriMo with the goal of writing 50,000 words by the end of the month. The theory is that lack of plot is not what keeps people from writing the novel they have always dreamed of, it is the lack of a deadline. By committing to write so many words in a month, people go to great lengths to accomplish their goal. The result? Thousands of novels are written that would not have been without NaNoWriMo. Obviously this is good and bad; much of what is written is probably garbage, but it also produces many first drafts that may one day become some pretty good reading.

So why am I babbling about this? Well, for one thing, I find it a fascinating concept. And secondly, I think we should all encourage Steve to take up the challenge. The amount of word output we have all witnessed from Steve in 2004 from simple blogging alone is a great amount. Writing 5,000 words in a month would be simple for you Steve! And we all know you have the talent to do so. Writing just flows out of you! And it’s good! So, what do you think, friend? You’ve got a few months to decide, but if you decide to do it, maybe a few of us could all try it together next November.

In other news, West Virginia was great, now I am back to the shoe business, which I love but also find completely meaningless. It’s this kind of love/hate thing I’ve got going with it. Oh, and I got my grades finally and will be continuing on in the master’s program. Because a "C" is considered failing and both of my final papers were worth 50% of my final grades each, a mediocre grade on one of them could have put me out of the program. Anyway, I am on break until February, which is quite nice. Matt is in Colorado with the block people from Crown and I wanted to hide in his suitcase to go see all of you out there! But since that is a little bit illegal, I send my greetings to you and to everyone else out there reading this, Crownie or other. What is going on in the lives of all you graduates? Happy 2005.

Oh, one more note for Steve: Krista has been reading your girlfriend’s Blog and read me several passages from it tonight while we were baking cookies. She is hilarious, we got quite a kick out of it. Thought you'd like to know.


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