Musings from Crown Alumni

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Should old aquaintence be forgot, dum dum dum, dum dum dum dum.... hmmm, I don't know thatsong really. Isn't it crazy? Already the year when we graduated has passed. Well, my New Year's resolution is to blog just enough to make everybody (including myself) happy, but not so much that everybody goes on hunger strikes to keep me from writing any more. Oh, and never go into a liquor store in Wyoming and ask for Leinenkugel's because you'll be socially shunned like they can only do in countries with a caste system or Beverly Hills. Apparently asking fora unique Wisconsin brew in the west is worse than saying you're a trans-gendered being. Is that the proper way to say that? Trans-gendered being? Person? Fellow? Feller? Yeah, I don't know. Anybody else scared by close-range gunfire last night? Just wondering if it wasa Wytanahodada thing or just a common celebratory act within the bounds of the seventh amendement (and I possibly just referenced the right to not incriminate oneself, or maybe the right no to quarter soldiers in peacetime or something like that since I really don't have the Bill of Rights memorized at this point).
Now this I must comment on: Who thought of a. the American parade, b. the televised parade, and c. the Rose Parade? They all three culminate in what I believe to be one of the most terrible and ridiculous aspects of our culture to date (right behind Wheel of Fortune and those talking mounted fish). I think they decided that nearly every float needed an award, so I would feel terrible if I was one of the three stupid slow-moving food and flower covered wastes of time to be rightly given no recognition (seriously watch and see how ridiculous the awards become). I mean, what are we trying to show the world? We can walk down our own streets with noisy bands and culturally insensitive displays of national pride (having Taiwan come with a marching band might be a bit of an unburied hatchet between ourselves and our Chinese brethren), only to grade a float on the basis of natural decorations used - what if we invested the time and money into trying to live more naturally? I'm not a big advocate of granola, but it seems like utter confusion for a culture to ooh and aaaw at a few slow moving street ornaments because they're made of the very materials that we have no use for in our artificial world. The Romans used to have parades celebrating victory over an enemy. Maybe we're prematurely celebrating our victory over the natural world, and our own cultural rationality and imagination. At least the Thanksgiving Day parade is symbolized with stuff blow up with hot air or helium - just a bunch of empty plastic shells that only look big because they lack anything animating.... I guess I might be taking that a little too far, but seriously, the Egyptians guilt pyramids, the Romans built aqueducts, the Chinese built walls and the first Communist/capitalst state to nearly deny both heritages, and all we can do is walk down our own stupid streets every year because it's tradition and a form of income for televising stations and advertisment for retailers (yeah, I really think the Home Depot float was just there promoting safe playgrounds for kids). Let's put all our energy into invading a country, throwing out the old regime and putting a democratic system in it's place because that sounds like something we could do if we put as much energy and interest into it as we did into this stupid parade. Let's make Canada democratic! Nawwww, it's not worth the trouble. Let them be pawns of the British gov't.... I say we try starting with our own Hemisphere, first, though. I mean, it just seems like something on the other side of the world might become problematic for cultural and logistical reasons alone. Oh well. I'll shut up now. Hope everyone has a happy new year ( I really am happy even though this doesn't reflect it). Bye all. Oh, and Robbie, I left my rent check on the kitchen counter, along with my utilities check and a dirty pizza pan. I just didn't want you to blog only as a means of telling me to send you money for rent. But isn't it always good to hear from Kurbis? I'm really going now. Bye.


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