Musings from Crown Alumni

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Lynnea, I take it that you don’t often read the “Dashboard” page after you log onto, because otherwise you would have seen their little section about NaNoWriMo back in November. I thought of doing stuff with it except that I was busy thinking that grad school sucks and trying to figure out what’s up with what at present is my girlfriend. I’m up for the challenge, and if anybody else wants to jump on that train with me, just say the word. Deadlines are good. Maybe that’s why I haven’t yet found a job. Or maybe it’s because I’m worthless to every employer within a thousand-mile radius. Anyway, fifty-thousand words, eh? I’m there. Just the thought has inspired me to get writing again, so I spent today trying to work a story idea I had a little while ago. Needless to say, I didn’t write a page, but I recorded several conversations with myself on my voice recorder (good Christmas present) and really got a kick out of trying to make a workable story out of a bunch of weird thoughts floating around in my head. To those of you worried about my lack of blogging, well, I apologize to both of you, and I hope this makes up for it. Even though (and Bob can attest to this) I have no real thing taking up my time in terms of scheduled events, work, school, or anything that should restrict my blogging abilities, but things have been more hectic than I thought they would be. My internet connection has been less than workable upon my return to Montana, and my perception of slow connection only increases every time Meagan brings her laptop over and we “borrow” the wireless connection from an unsuspecting (and unknown) neighbor. For some reason I can’t really get myself to blogging on her computer (maybe I’m distracted), but I’ll try to get back on the wagon.
Okay, I just wanted to clear something up, so the reason I’m whispering is so that Bob won’t be able to hear me tell you that I’m not an alcoholic no matter what he tells you. Thankfully he can’t read this when I’m whispering, so we’re okay, but I’ll have to keep this short so he doesn’t notice and think I’m talking to you behind his back. No, serious, we haven’t even gone through a bottle of “O” in a good number of days mixing our own little drinks (it’s much more cost effective than buying O3). And don’t keep a can of pineapple juice open in the fridge very long, because it starts tasting funny. Oh, here he comes. Just act natural.
And that’s when I said to him, “Well, this isn’t even my car, so I guess we both should get off the hood and go our separate ways.” Oh, Bob, glad to see you reading the blogger without writing on it. Lots of people do it. It’s cool. I mean, it’s like marijuana – it’s perfectly legal in Montana with a prescription…. So I don’t know where I was going with that comparison.
So those of you in/from Wisconsin, good to see your quarter in circulation. Glad to see a state not pull any punches, ya know? Just cows, cheese, corn – everything good that starts with a “C”. I realize your state wanted to play it safe. No show of your Nazi Highway Patrol. No prob, I’ll spread the word while I have the chance. I mean, at least you’re not Alabama with Helen Keller sitting in a chair with the smallest Braille lettering imaginable and “Spirit of Courage” listed below (I think they have that spirit of courage thing there to remind people that it took a lot of courage to put a blind white lady on a quarter from the state of the Birmingham bus boycott and MLKJ and who knows what else that sure wouldn’t go over with some sections of the present population). I actually had wanted to see South Carolina write on the back of their quarter “We started the Civil War… and it ain’t over yet, you Yankees!” I still want to vote that the Wyoming quarter should have the entire state pose for a picture and put all our faces on the back. Shouldn’t be a problem, and crap, Oklahoma or Texas or some other stupid state is going to put a cowboy on their quarter, so then we’re stuck with Susan B. Anthony, or maybe they’ll get real courageous and put Dick Cheney’s picture on the back of our quarter. Oh, I got it! “Don’t come here, we don’t want ya.” Not to be confused with Mississippi – “Don’t ya’ll come through here… all ya’ll ain’t white.” Hmmmm? It’d be better than Colorado: “We’re California without the ocean or Mexico or unadulterated wilderness.” Yeah, 50,000 words…. I could do it in my sleep.
So, thanks to Kyle’s recommendation, I have found myself quite enamored with “Garden State”, and so I wanted to make a classic unheeded Hubka recommendation for those of you looking for a wonderful movie (Natalie Portman is in it….. mmmmhmmmm). If you find it good, you can just repeat what Bubna said to me tonight: “Wham, bam, thank you Hubka.” Crap, you know I’ve talked to so many people the last few days. Scott, Daniel, Folkestad, Michael Patrick (three of those were today). From what I hear, you guys out there need to call each other more.
Question: Has anybody ever seen more than seventeen deer in one place at one time (zoos not included)? I think they were meeting behind my apartment building, plotting the destruction of humanity like that Simpson’s episode with the dolphins. Yeah, they’re cute until they stick their sharpest appendages through your chest!
So Lynnea, what were you reading from my girlfriend’s blogger that was making you laugh? It was the stuff about me being great, wasn’t it? She’s not joking (at least that’s what she tells me). I really would like to know what she’s saying that’s striking a chord with you. Oh, Lynnea, if Matt’s seriously thinking (or for sure) about going to West Virginia, he should remember their state quarter: “We’re not inbred, but we are confused about why there’s no East Virginia and why other states have laws against marrying second cousins.” Okay, that was stupid.
That’s enough from here for now. Keep doing all those things that are making it hard for you to blog, because they must be good to keep you from writing on this thing. Just wait until I’m too busy to waste your time anymore. What a terrible day that will be (ask Meagan; I’m already wasting a lot of her time, so maybe it’s a lose-lose situation with me, in person or blogging I mean). Oh, and Lynnea’s right about a C being a failing grad grade, proving that I’m a grad failure with my two grades being a C and a C+. Great job, moron! I’m gone. Hope you guys are doing as great as me, but not much better because (contrary to Meagan’s blogger opinion) I’m not a great guy. Ha! Later.


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