Musings from Crown Alumni

Monday, February 28, 2005

Excuse me, Brad, Mr. "part of the elect" in ministry? Are you kidding me? Actually, don't answer that, I know that you are, it just shocked me for a second. A few seconds...minutes...whatever. I think that your joke (which I am hoping it was) just struck a chord in me, reminiscent of my time at Crown where the student body was divided between those oficially studying to be in ministry and those not. I remember a time in chapel when they had all of the ministry majors stand, then they sat and they asked those with "secular" majors to stand. Secular? This normally would not be a bad thing, but in an environment where the word "secular" carries with it such negative connotations, it really did feel like I should feel some sort of shame for standing under that label. And what is even the point in dividing the student body by visually demonstrating who belongs in what category? For all of you out there involved in full-time ministry, I am happy that you are doing exactly what it is your education prepared you to do. Really, I am. But I am not happy enough to consider your ministry position a ticket into the "elect" club. I know you are not you are asking that of me, because I KNOW that it was just a joke, I'm just a bit riled up. Understandably so, right? If not, let me have it, I can take it.


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