Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Before I lose some of you since I don't know how long this blog will go, I think Lynnea did a lovely job giving our blog a dazzling new look, but Lynnea, there is one flaw: As Duerkop already pointed out to me, there is no section for our addresses and such. Duerk actually needed mine, and it was not an hour after you had changed the format. Hopefully those aren't all gone. Oh, and if we are asking for new people to add to the list, I know this is unconventional because he did not technically graduation with our class (though, neither did Scott Johnson), but I think Michael Patrick would at least be flattered with an invation to partake in this since he was a great part of many of our lives. Just a thought.
So I leave for a week and Brad's kickin' the shiz doggy style, Gabe is wondering what's going on in my life, and Lynnea is mildly offended by not having some burning in her bosom (I mean that only in the most Mormon of senses) about being a youth pastor? What happened to you people? Gabe, my life can't be but a mere ounce of your daily trials and triumphs. Brad, I jus been hittin' the low down dog poun' in "P" town, but it ain'no thang cuz I can'get no sho'ty ta be tossin' me da "baby, please," look if ya know wha' I mean. And Lynnea, I completely understand the outsider mentality... live with youth pastors and then you'll know what I know. Well, maybe you shouldn't be randomly shackin' up with youth pastors, so nevermind. I'll try to be a better word buffer between you crazy people, but as I said, I was out of the region for a while and could not attend to my normal duties. So here's the most condensed version of the story that I can tell without being either insensitive or obtuse.
I spent last week in Portland, Oregon (let's all say it like we would say "pipe organ," or "heart, organ", not with a few more syllables in there), visiting my brother and sister-in-law as well as catching up with some friends, one of them being MIA Josh Mann. I had a quite wonderful time with my immediate family, and a great but short time with Mr. Mann, but neither of those two experiences were the most essential of my time spent in Portland. I went to see a friend of mine who goes to Multnomah College, a friend I hadn't seen in over three years, a friend who just happened to carry a lot of weight in my heart and had been on my mind a lot lately. She was my first dance, as a 7th grader (and you think I'm unattractive now!), my second girlfriend, and the only girl that made me cry when she dumped me. I don't know what it was that got me going in her direction, but her absolute beauty and unalterable elegance, coupled with a vibrant mind and a relaxed demeanor all reminded me why she has never completely left the back of my mind in the last decade of my life. So I suprised her with the visit, I think. Either she was excited to see me, or she could be the next Lynnea Erickson in some Crown musical. We spent several days together, and not a moment of it was lacking the wonder and amazement that is probably a regular part of many of your lives, you crazy kids that are in love (not that I'm saying I was or am or should even use phrasing like that since this is probably not meant to be so graphic an expository on this subject). I am doing the subject no justice at all, but that's a similar feeling to my conclusion on my time spent with this wonderful girl.... that I would do not justice to her to profess a non-Mormon burning in my bosom for someone who has seen me through some of my most awkward stages (although many of you that knew me well as a freshman maybe would disagree)... I've had difficulty describing this realization to about anyone that knew what was going on. It's like I felt that all I had to give her were words that professed a desire that could never be a reality. I could watch her all day long and go home saddened by the notion that I could not... want her enough to make things work that just could not work in any stretch of my forlorn imagination. So after a long night of dancing with her and staring into her eyes trying to contrive a instance where I thought telling her how I felt was the right thing to do, I left her with a long hug and a feeling that I was doing the right thing by not forcing my aged and idealistic feelings on her. Well, if this isn't a gritty and laid-bare exploration of my last week, I'd like to see somebody do better. Sorry for those of you not wanting to have such an intimate knowledge of my personal thoughts and feelings. Ah, I'll be back to simply recounting my boring day's events, but when you set out on a quest of the heart for a person who seems to have permanent residence there, maybe you'll be this candid and I'll sit back wondering why you were so forthcoming about these things.
Anybody else walk to the edge of love and back last week, or am I a loner on this as well?


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