Musings from Crown Alumni

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Duerk, good job showing our trip through the magic of digital photography. It's was everything I would ask for or imagine. Of course, I was there, watching the Yeshua Mann get married, walking the beaches of Oregon, traveling with Bubnas and Baches and Millers (soon enough). Sorry I've been away so long. I did write a long and invigorating blog before the wedding, including a story of a gas station stop on the way to Washington that coincided with two van-loads of girl soccer players. It just wasn't meant to be. I tried to post, and poof, like any good boy band, it vanished before I even knew it was there. You'll just have to use your imagination. But I do think a little verbal commentary should go well with those pictures that Duerk posted. So, I had arrived here in Vancouver, WA last Tuesday after a one-night layover in Missoula, checking out my old apartment, smoking my pipe in the little park where I used to go smoke my cigars, seeing my former manager and having a good talk with a married Bob Severson. It was a good trip back up here. I also have a strange story with a hitchhiking spider that I'd love to tell you about, but only if you call me, so most of you won't ever hear it. So, like I said, on Tuesday I was at my brother's place, and come last Thursday, Duerk shows up at the Portland airport. We come back to "my place" and have a good sleep prior to our trip south into Oregon. We arrived in Salem slightly before lunch on Friday morning. Fluffy insisted that he knew the address where they were staying, and so Duerk and I ended up walking around this house, ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door until a small elderly asian woman opened her front door looking rather frightened. She was pretty sure she wasn't housing six or eight young adults in her house, but even so, on the phone was an insistant Fluffy telling us her house was where they were staying. We were soon enough next door at the actual place where everyone was staying. Already things were happening as I should have expected. Our next great adventure was trying to find something to eat. We drove, made some U-turns in the middle of busy Salem streets, ran some red lights - everything you would expect following a driver from Colorado. I discovered that if you say the words "Anything but...", it comes true. I said "Anything but Taco Bell." Suddenly we were pouring into the Taco Bell, looking at the Big Bell Value Menu, trying to create some sort of equation between my beloved Taco Johns and one of the only fast food chains I hadn't eaten at since high school. And if you're ever in a planning mood, and you're about to go to a wedding, cheap Mexican should be at the bottom of the list of restaurant possibilities. We survived it, somehow. And then there was a wedding. Bubna, myself, Duerk, and a guy I went to high school with named Cody Fornier were, "the best damn ushers" we could be, quote Bubna. So, the wedding was a wedding, ironically. Some people told stories, some said vows, some people laughed and others cried. I myself was trying to decide who to dance with first, the awfully cute candle-lighter (sadly, for all I knew, she could have been a bit on the 18-year-old-side of things, but shoot, who cares? [the government]), or the cute but also young looking maid of honor. Life's just full of hard choices. So, there was a receptions, as often happens following a wedding. There were some toasts, some dances, some car decorating, and some general merriment. After the bride and groom left, Fluffy and Bubna got to scheming and tried to raise the necessary funds for me to swallow one of the table decorations, namely a beta fish, whole. I said my price was $100. They rounded up $45 in verbal donations. Jason, Josh's older brother, set his price at five bucks, and amid Jahnke screaming and Mrs. Bubna's disapproving looks, he downed the Japanese fighting fish, taking my five dollars since neither of the ring leaders wished the pay the man for his hard work. Nothing happened to him, I don't think. The reception was so quick that I never danced with anyone, not Mrs. Bubna, not candlelighters or bridesmaids or..., that was about the extent of my selection. Wow, that was just a stupid summary of the wedding, and there's a whole other story about the next day driving (and driving and driving across nearly all of Oregon it seemed), but I guess I've already written too much for most of you to read, so I'll quit now and hope that I can get a job at Quizno's tomorrow. If anyone wants the beach/driving story, just let me know and I'll fill up more blogging space, but sea lions and Maria getting crabs and our dinner with Rhonda Johnson will all have to wait until then.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

So here I am again. Just informing you all of the obvious. Today is my first official Fathers day! I am pretty excited. I have already received my gift. It was a hammock with a stand. If for no other reason one should seriously look into becoming a parent, because it increases your days of receiving gifts by one. On a lighter note. Everyone should read the banter of comments under Steve's last blog. 11 must be some kind of record. Have a great day.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

I got tired of posting on the comments feature and decided to post an actual blog. Two weeks from today I will be in England. While that thought is scary to me, I have so much reading to do right now that I am not giving myself time to think about it. Halfway through June already and it still does not seem like summer to me. This summer is unlike any I have experienced in several years because (1) I have homework hanging over my head (2) I’m not at camp, but I won’t get started on that and (3) my whole family is going in different directions: Bryan is going to Jamaica for a couple weeks, Dad is going to Romania for a month, I obviously will be at Oxford for six weeks, and Krista decided that moving to West Virginia did not take her far enough away and will join my dad in Romania for a week and a half. My mom is the only one staying in the country and is quite excited to have some time to herself.

Well, now that you all are unnecessarily informed of each of my family members’ summer plans, I will move on. The fact that when I return from Oxford I will have one day before my teaching duties begin is now sinking in and I am beginning to, for the lack of a better term, freak out. There is so much to prepare and not a lot of time to do so, and when I come home from England I am going to want to be catching up with Matt and Krista (they return the same day I do), not taking tours of the library at New Faculty Orientation. Oh well, don’t let my complaints fool you, I actually am very excited to teach in the fall, it is just a bit overwhelming thinking about preparing in detail the next six months of my life (homework for oxford, syllabi and reading for teaching) in the next two weeks. Maybe I need some advice from some of you teachers out there who actually took education courses. How do you do it? How do I decide in June what exactly I want to teach on November 18 (random date, could be a Saturday, but too lazy to check), and what if I change my mind between now and then? Perhaps this is why all of Dr. Wheaton’s syllabi are labeled "TENTATIVE" at the top. Okay, enough, I am done now. Happy summer to you all, I hope you all are keeping busy enough to avoid the trap of contemplation and over-analyzation that I always fall prey to.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Lynnea, Drew was asking if he could be invited on the blog. I expect you're rather busy, so if this isn't a good time tof rnew initiates, no problem, but I'll do what I can to get an e-mail addres if that's a possibility here soon. Other than that, I'll see some of you crazy kids in Oregon, and everybody else for sure by the rapture (except Kurbis, who I'll visit when I'm with Dante and Virgil). Oh, Bob, I'll be either passing through Missoula or staying in Missoula Monday (passing through looks highly likely), so if you wanted some Quizno's say around 11, I'll give you a call and we'll see what we can do. Otherwise, I don't know if you're too busy to see an old roommmate. Got the studders. Sorry. Hope everyone is well.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

I always thought Hubka would be the one to eventually take over the blog. I never dreamt I would have three out of four blogs and the one that is not mine has my name in the first sentence. I feel like the most popular kid on the planet. (Of course that cannot be true. Lynnea must still be the most popular kid, lest we forget she was nominated all four years to be princess!) If you are wondering why I am blogging yet again, I assure you it is for good reason. Today is my 3 year anniversary of marriage. I cannot believe that I have been married for three years already. It has gone by so quickly. If you asked me five years ago if I would be celebrating three years of marriage and already have two kids this soon in life, I would have been laughing hysterically. Now, I am just the old fart of Crown Colleges class of 2004! How depressing! Anyway, I just wanted to say I have been officially married for three years to the most wonderful women in the world. Have a great day everybody. I will resist the temptation to blog again soon.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Well the wedding went well. It actually is one of the easiest services a pastor can perform. You really read for most of the service. There is not much memorizing. The couple was appreciative and seemed to be very happy with the outcome of the ceremony. The best part is getting to pronounce them husband and wife. I was a nervous wreck before, but it was a good time. I am so glad I have one out of the way.

In other news my family is doing great. My daughters are both growing so big. There is nothing better in this world then to come home and see them happy to see me again. It turns me mushy EVERY time. It is awesome. My wife is still the most amazing women in the world. I am sorry if you are a women and reading this, but you just cannot compare. At least not in this man's book. Her job never stops and she keeps going and going as a outstanding mom.

I finally watched this little film called Napoleon dynamite. My review is that it is the stupidest movie ever made, but it made me laugh hysterically. When Napoleon asks for the Summer's campaign button and then throws it across the room. That might be one of the funniest moments in cinematic history. My wife gets a little annoyed with me because I like to attempt to talk and act like Napoleon round her. She does not care for his belligerent attitude, which I find to be most amusing.

Josh, congrats on the marriage thing. I did not realize that it was so soon. I must tell you I was very disappointed to not see you at Council. I understand now why you were not there.

So today I read the first 4 chapters of Acts. I was convicted when I came to Acts 2:42 where it says; "They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." I always read this as a place where I wanted to be. I wanted to get to be devoted to all the things it talks about. What was so convicting is that the verse is talking about the 3,000 who were just converted. They were the ones who started out devoted in these ways. I do not know if you fee like these are not true devotions in your life, but I sure do. And I was strongly convicted to devote myself to them today.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Gabe, best of luck, you'll do great, what an honor already. Another crazy thing is that I am getting married in practically 50 minutes. Oh my word, crazy, and another, i signed for a house yesterday and moved my fiance (lucky) in today, weird, crazy, surreal, what's going on? Anybody? Bueller? Praise the Lord, who woulda thunk it. Well...there are still invitations sitting in my passengers seat with ya'lls names on them, I am so sorry. Some of your addresses I had, some I've called on, others I still need to, I'm incredibly sorry. You are all invited, none of you are coming I know, (just kidding, I'm incredibly blessed by those making it) Anyways, I would appreciate your prayers in the coming crazy days ahead, thank you!

Lynnea, blessings, we're all behind ya!

Everybody, go see/buy/rent/steal "what the bleep do we know" It is a crazy documentary movie that will blow your head, it did mine, it's the only movie I own. Let me know what you think cause I'm still reeling!

Wow! In 50 minutes I am about to marry a couple. I am performing my first wedding. I awoke this morning with a strange knot in my stomach. I have been so nervous all day. The actual presentation is not too difficult, but the pressure of knowing that if I screw up, then I will ruin the most important day is two peoples lives.

Chris, I too bought my first suit for an event. It feels good to actually own a suit. I just hope I don't wet myself standing in it.

I will write again soon to let you know if I destroyed some innocent peoples hopes and dreams.

Friday, June 10, 2005

The shoe discount is no more. Today was my final day as a shoe saleswoman at Von Maur. I am surprisingly sad to leave the job, but I desperately need the time right now to do all of my Oxford reading and to write my syllabi for the fall. To tell the truth I was going a little insane being cooped up inside when it has been so beautiful outside, so it will be nice to go read by the lake and actually experience summer. I will miss being surrounded by shoes all day long and being paid to learn as much about them as possible and brighten others’ days by helping them find the perfect pair. I will not miss wearing nylons and a dress everyday, helping seven customers at a time, and knowing that every weekend is going to be occupied by Von Maur. So while I was sad to leave, I still felt excited to leave the store for the final time tonight. Maybe that had something to do with the four pairs of new shoes I was bringing home with me. You know, just for good measure.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Well, I hope none of you were too worried about me. I just spent the last too weeks with roommates and black bears and weddings and 50th anniversaries and early birthday parties and family pictures and driving 800 miles and packing up my apartment and being told I didn't clean it well enough and trying to figure out how to move two couches that Robbie left me with and... well, you get the idea. Needless to say, I miss my job and the lovely ladies I worked with. I have yet to really ponder if I miss Robbie or not. It sounds like Duerkop is rockin' the wild side with pro kickball or whatever. Lynnea, I'm sorry that you and Krista were so much more modestly dressed than Matt. Tell him that I think he'd look great in capris and a nice low-cut tank top. By the way, how far was it to this taste of Cinncinati thing? Just wondering. Wait - a hot brunette with an MA in English just wrote me. Who needs taste of Cinncinati? And I think it is no coincidence that Dr. B is now president of the Alliance... it would be very easy for the pope to coordinate that sort of thing. Head of the two most powerful religious groups in the world! What a guy. Well, this is my anniversary post. That's nice. I can't guarentee another post for a while because I'm going to be moving up to Washigton here soon and won't have tons of time to bore you like I just did. I'll blab more later. Maybe I'll even drop a few lines about seeing Folkestad and Luke and Robbie's wedding and all that. Whatever. Weddings get boring after the 20th roommate or so. Anybody want me tos ay hi to Drew for them? I'll see him next week, I hope. Later.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

and i didn't really want to go to Council... but ahh, i'm sure it was great. except for those two hours of contemplating, eh Gabe?

i am actually in search of the Kurbis' new mailing address. so, if you have it- surrender. (please and thank you.)

love, love.